We train future industrialized construction professionals together with Institut Poblenou.

In Buildlovers estamos comprometidos con la innovación y la transformación del sector de la construcción. Por eso, nos enorgullece anunciar nuestra colaboración con el Institut Poblenou, a dual vocational training center located in the heart of Barcelona’s Poblenou, which offers studies in commerce and marketing, administration and finance, and information technology and communications.

The Institut Poblenou is a benchmark in the training of qualified professionals adapted to the demands of the labor market. Its educational model is based on a combination of theoretical and practical classes, with a close relationship with companies in the sector. In addition, it has a team of teachers who are active in the labor market and committed to their fields of knowledge.

Formamos a los futuros profesionales de la construcción de casas prefabricadas

“We believe that training is key to driving innovation and change in the construction sector. That is why we are committed to collaborating with educational centers such as Institut Poblenou, which share our vision and values. We are convinced that this collaboration will be very beneficial both for the students and for us, as it will allow us to have young talents who bring new ideas and solutions to our projects.”

Marce Aragonés Founder of BuildLovers

Our collaboration consists of offering the students of the Institut Poblenou the opportunity to do an internship in our company, where they can learn first-hand how industrialized construction projects are developed, from design to execution..

They will participate in the areas of marketing and sales and administration and finance. They will learn about mortgages, purchase and sale of plots of land and other matters necessary for the realization of a real estate self-promotion project.

In this way, students will be able to apply the knowledge acquired at the center and develop the skills necessary for their professional future.

The industrialized construction es una solución que aporta numerosas ventajas al sector, como la reducción de tiempos, costes y residuos, la mejora de la calidad, la seguridad y la sostenibilidad, y la adaptación a las necesidades de cada cliente. In BuildLovers we are pioneers in providing a 360º solution to our clients and we are committed to industrialized construction, which allows us to offer efficient, comfortable and customized houses.

If you want to know more about Institut Poblenou and its vocational studies, you can visit its website. And if you want to know more about our industrialized construction projects, you can follow us on our social networks or contact us through our web form