"..., the founder of Buildlovers, tries to make the process of self-promotion easy when the user decides to build his own home, ...".
"Industrialised construction makes it possible to build healthy, sustainable and highly energy-efficient housing, which are deeply rooted values...".
"...the winner in this category, the start-up BuildLovers, explains that their company was born to make the whole process of self-promotion easy...".
90 m2 steel frame house – Exterior 1
90 m2 steel-framed house – Exterior 2
90 m2 steel-framed house – Interior 1
120 m2 timber frame house – Exterior 1
120 m2 timber-framed house – Exterior 2
120 m2 house – Wood structure – Interior 1
150 m2 Concrete House – Exterior 1
150 m2 Concrete House – Exterior
150 m2 Concrete House – Exterior 3
House of 90m², with possibility of swimming pool and garden (depending on the size of the plot), please contact us!
House of 120m², with possibility of swimming pool and garden (depending on the size of the plot), please contact us!