Last updated: 30 January 2025
The services of search, validation and advice on the acquisition of a plot of land so that the Client can develop his project using the Buildlovers Method (as defined below) will be provided by Buildlovers Technology, S.L.U., to the person who fills in the details indicated below and makes the first payment through the website [].
Buildlovers Technology, S.L.U., with registered office at Calle Aribau, 168, 5ª, 08036-Barcelona (Spain) and tax identification number B-09.692.831, was incorporated on 1 February 2022, in a deed authorised before the Notary of Barcelona Doña María del Camino Quiroga Martínez under number 479 of her protocol, and registered in the Commercial Register of Barcelona in Volume IRUS 1000381584777, folio 0, page number B-575.119 (hereinafter, “Buildlovers“). Buildlovers is a startup in the construction or contech sector that integrates the entire value chain to help families build their own home. In this sense, Buildlovers offers support in mortgage formalisation and land acquisition. In the architecture and construction sector, Buildlovers takes care of document planning and connects architects or independent builders with families, guaranteeing a complete accompaniment that minimises friction and difficulties during the process of acquiring and building their home (hereinafter, the “Buildlovers Method”). In the development of the Buildlovers Method, Buildlovers offers families the possibility to find a plot to build their own home and to advise them throughout the purchase process, thus guaranteeing an effective and aligned start to the construction project based on the Buildlovers Method.
In order to manage the services of search, validation and advice on the acquisition of a plot by the Client, the Client must complete the form on the website [], accept and have read the privacy policy [] and make a first payment of €425.00 (VAT included).
The Client, with the incorporation of his data through this website [] declares that:
These General and Specific Conditions set out the terms governing the provision of search, validation and advisory services for the acquisition of a plot of land. In accordance with article 27.4 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, the General and Particular Conditions to which the present provision of services offered on this portal are subject are made available to users prior to their possible contracting by them.
Please read these General and Special Conditions carefully before completing the form and making the initial payment. By filling in the form and making the first payment, you agree to be bound by these General and Specific Terms and Conditions; therefore, if you do not agree to all the conditions set out below, you should not fill in the form or make the first payment.
The present General and Particular Conditions shall come into force at the moment in which the user accesses this website and gives his/her consent to contract the service in question. At that moment, the user accepts and fully adheres to all the General and Particular Conditions included in this text.
This contract shall be formalised by Buildlovers accepting the service and sending an email to the Customer confirming that the request has been successfully processed and attaching these General and Specific Terms and Conditions. The contract for the provision of the service between Buildlovers and the Customer shall only be concluded once the confirmation has been sent. It shall be deemed to be confirmed when the customer receives the General and Specific Conditions and the invoice for the first payment of the service to the email address provided in the form.
The Customer, by submitting his/her data through this website [], declares that he/she is interested in Buildlovers presenting him/her with the services of search, validation and advice on the acquisition of a plot of land promoted on its website and accepts the particular and general conditions set out below.
These General and Particular Conditions shall be binding on both parties from the moment the customer enters all the data through the website [] and makes the initial payment of the amount stipulated in clause three.
The Customer shall pay Buildlovers the following amounts:
Irrespective of the time at which the obligation to pay becomes due, Buildlovers’ right to receive the full amounts provided for in this clause arises with the mere execution by the Customer of the contract of sale of the plot of land, irrespective of whether it is located directly by the Customer or by a third party. It is considered that the service provided by Buildlovers covers not only the search for the plot, but also the analysis, advice and document management necessary for decision-making in the sale and purchase transaction, and therefore its remuneration is fully justified when the sale and purchase is formalised.
a) Buildlovers undertakes to carry out the following activities within the framework of the contracted service:
a.1.) Plot search: Identification of the best opportunities available in the market for the Client to develop its project using the Buildlovers Method. This service will include the preparation and presentation of an initial report, which will include a detailed selection of available plots. This report will contain relevant information such as location, price, surface area and specific observations on each plot.
a.2.) Feasibility and validation: Feasibility analysis of the plot selected by the Client, which will include:
a.2.1.) Technical feasibility: Assessment of the constructive capacity of the plot with respect to the dimensions and shape desired by the Client;
a.2.2.) Urban development viability: Verification of compliance with applicable urban development regulations;
a.2.3.) Registry/cadastral viability: Confirmation of the registry and cadastral data of the plot by consulting official databases and associated documents;
a.2.4.) Feasibility of supplies: Confirmation of the possibility of access to essential water and electricity supplies.
The results of this analysis will be set out in a specific report, which will include all the technical, town planning, registry and service information of the plot selected by the Client.
a.3.) Accompanying the sale and purchase: Buildlovers will advise the Client throughout the process of buying and selling the plot of land, providing technical and legal guidance in collaboration with real estate agents and the seller, to ensure the correct formalisation of the transaction. However, Buildlovers will not act on behalf of the Client or sign documents on their behalf, with the Client being solely responsible for making decisions and formalising the legal acts related to the sale and purchase.
b) Buildlovers shall deliver the following documents to the Customer:
b.1.) Initial report of pre-selected plots: It will contain a selection of 5 plots (conditional on the area selected in the “plot form” filled in through this website []) that are available on the market, including data such as location, plot characteristics, price and any relevant observations.
b.2.) Detailed report on the selected plot: Once the Client has identified the plot of interest, a report will be prepared which will include the technical, urban, registry and supply feasibility analysis, together with any other relevant information to ensure an informed decision.
c) The Customer shall provide Buildlovers with all relevant, truthful and detailed information about his specific needs, preferences and requirements related to the search and acquisition of the plot according to the “plot form” in section b.1. within 20 days after the conclusion of the contract. This information shall include, among others, the available budget, the desired characteristics of the plot, your preferred location and any other conditions that may influence the selection.
d) In the event that the Customer’s needs or preferences change during the term of this contract, the Customer shall inform Buildlovers immediately of such changes to ensure that the services provided meet the Customer’s expectations.
e) The Client undertakes to actively and diligently collaborate with Buildlovers during all stages of the service, including the review of the submitted plots, the validation of the selected plot and the sale and purchase process. This involves:
e.1.) Respond in a timely manner to requests for information or documentation made by Buildlovers;
e.2.) Attend meetings, visits or inspections when required;
e.3.) Maintain clear and constant communication with Buildlovers to facilitate the provision of services.
f) The Customer undertakes to pay Buildlovers the fees set out in these General and Specific Terms and Conditions under the agreed terms and conditions. Failure to comply with this obligation shall entitle Buildlovers to suspend the provision of the services or to terminate the contract in advance, without prejudice to the right to claim the amounts owed and any applicable damages.
g) The Client undertakes not to negotiate or enter into agreements directly with owners or third parties in connection with the plots presented by Buildlovers without the participation of Buildlovers, unless expressly authorised in writing by Buildlovers.
h) The Customer guarantees the authenticity and accuracy of all documentation and information provided to Buildlovers. In the event of any misrepresentation, omission or inconsistency, Buildlovers may terminate the contract early without prejudice to its right to claim damages.
i) During the term of this contract, the Customer undertakes not to negotiate directly with third parties for the acquisition of the selected plots, and shall inform Buildlovers of any contact or proposal received in this regard. In the event of breach of this obligation, the Customer shall be obliged to compensate Buildlovers with an amount equivalent to the Final Fees calculated in accordance with the provisions of these General and Specific Conditions, without prejudice to any other rights that Buildlovers may exercise.
The present contract shall be effective until the completion of the execution of the services described. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Buildlovers may terminate the contract in the event that no plots are found that meet the Customer’s specifications.
a) Causes for termination: This contract may be terminated for any of the following causes:
a.1.) For breach of any of the obligations assumed by any of the parties by virtue of these General and Particular Conditions, prior written notice to the defaulting party and with a term of 30 calendar days to remedy such breach, without any further notice being necessary.
a.2.) By mutual agreement of the parties, formalized in writing.
a.3.) By unilateral decision by either party, by means of written notice at least 30 days in advance to the other party, without either party having the right to claim against the other party for such termination, nor any indemnity, without prejudice to the provisions of letter b.1 below.
b) Effects of the resolution: The termination of the contract, whatever the cause or procedure, shall produce the following effects:
b.1.) Buildlovers shall be entitled to receive the Final Fees if the Client, directly or indirectly, formalizes the sale and purchase of any of the plots presented by Buildlovers during the term of the contract, under the same or similar conditions, within one (1) year from the date of termination of the contract. This right will be maintained regardless of whether the sale and purchase is carried out through Buildlovers or any third party.
b.2.) The clauses of the contract which, by their nature, should survive termination (including confidentiality, liability and other provisions necessary for the interpretation and performance of the contract) shall continue to apply and shall bind both parties.
The parties undertake not to disclose to third parties the information they receive from each other or from any third party related to the subject matter of this contract, and to give such information the same treatment they would give to any confidential information, extending this obligation to their own employees or those with whom they contract.
Both parties consider as “Confidential Information and Documentation”, the content of this agreement, as well as all information received in any form, whether verbal or in material support that incorporates any data or messages in written, graphic, audiovisual or any other code susceptible of apprehension, generated by any of the parties in the development of their activities or that have been supplied or assigned by reason of the same within the framework of this contract.
The parties shall strictly comply with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (GDPR) and Organic Law 3/2018 of 5 December on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights.
By incorporating the data on the website [], the Client gives his free, unequivocal, express and informed consent for Buildlovers to process his personal data for the sole purpose of complying with the provisions of this contract, without the transfer to third parties except to those persons or entities that need to know the information for the provision of services under this contract, such as notaries, registrars, State Agency of Tax Administration, agency, City Council, etc..
Buildlovers is obliged to comply with the security measures corresponding to its own files in accordance with current legislation.
The personal data covered by this contract may not be subject to any processing other than those provided for in this contract, nor shall they be communicated or transferred to other natural or legal persons, except as stated in the preceding paragraph. Both parties undertake to keep the information and personal data in the strictest confidence, and undertake not to disclose, publish or transfer it, directly or indirectly to third parties for purposes other than those set forth in this contract.
Any processing of data that does not comply with the law or with the provisions of this contract shall be the sole responsibility of the defaulting party vis-à-vis third parties and vis-à-vis the other party to whom it shall be liable for any damages caused.
If necessary, the Client must inform the company of any changes that occur in their data, so that it can make the necessary changes, so that the data correspond to the reality of the data subject, thus complying with the principles that are extracted from the applicable data protection regulations.
At any time the Customer may exercise their rights of access, rectification, deletion, portability, limitation or opposition to the processing of their data, by written request to Buildlovers, to the address, accompanied by a copy of the national identity card or similar official document.
You are also informed that you have the right to file a complaint before the Control Authority (Spanish Agency for the Protection of Personal Data).
Customer acknowledges and agrees that Buildlovers:
a) May represent other buyers interested in acquiring a plot of land with similar characteristics;
b) You can show more than one client the same property;
c) You may bid on the same property for more than one client.
Buildlovers is the owner of all intellectual property rights of the website [], which may not be exploited, reproduced, distributed, modified, publicly communicated, transferred or transformed or any other form of dissemination not expressly authorized by the company.
Buildlovers, as owner of the intellectual property rights of this website, reserves the right to take appropriate legal action against users who violate or infringe industrial and/or intellectual property rights.
Buildlovers declines any responsibility for the information displayed on this website, coming from outside sources, as well as for the contents not elaborated by Buildlovers.
Buildlovers shall in no event be liable for any loss or damage of any nature that may arise from access and/or use of this website, including those produced in computer systems or those caused by viruses or illegal activities of hackers. Likewise, the company shall not be liable for any damages that users may suffer due to improper use of this website and, in any way, for any crashes, interruptions, absence or defects in telecommunications.
You have the right to withdraw from this contract within 14 calendar days without giving any reason.
The withdrawal period shall expire 14 calendar days after the conclusion of this. Notwithstanding the foregoing, and pursuant to Article 103 of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007 of 16 November, which approves the revised text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users, the right of withdrawal shall not apply once the service has been fully executed or when the execution has begun. By accepting these General and Particular Conditions, the Customer acknowledges that, once Buildlovers has fully executed the contract, it will have lost its right of withdrawal.
To exercise the right of withdrawal, you must notify us of your decision to withdraw from the contract by means of an unequivocal statement (e.g. a letter sent by post, fax or e-mail). You may use the model withdrawal form below, but its use is not mandatory.
In order to meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient that the communication concerning your exercise of this right is sent before the expiration of the withdrawal period.
Consequences of withdrawal:
In the event of withdrawal by you, we will refund all payments received from you without undue delay and in any event not later than 14 calendar days from the date on which we are informed of your decision to withdraw from this contract. We will proceed to effect such reimbursement using the same means of payment used by you for the initial transaction, unless you have expressly provided otherwise; in any case, you will not incur any costs as a result of the reimbursement.
The right of withdrawal shall not apply in the cases provided for in Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007 of November 16, 2007, which approves the revised text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users.
All expenses and taxes arising from this contract and which are not expressly assigned to one of the parties shall be paid in accordance with the law.
Except as otherwise provided in this contract, any notice to be given between the parties hereunder shall be given by bureaufax, fax or e-mail to the following persons and addresses:
a) From Buildlovers:
Address: Calle D’Aribau, 168, 5ª, 08036-Barcelona (Spain)
Email :
b) On the part of the Client: At the address given on the form completed by the Customer.
If any provision of this contract is held to be invalid or unenforceable (in whole or in part) by any court, tribunal or competent administrative body, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect the other provisions of the contract, which shall remain in full force and effect.
This contract is governed by Spanish law. In particular, by Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services, the Civil Code and by the remaining civil or commercial regulations on contracts, in particular, the regulations on the protection of consumers and users.
For any controversy that may arise regarding the interpretation or application of these General and Specific Conditions, the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Barcelona (Spain) shall have jurisdiction. All of the above, without prejudice to the rights of consumers with regard to the choice of applicable jurisdiction.
The European Commission offers a platform for alternative dispute resolution, which can be accessed at: Buildlovers declares that it is not a member of any associations and organisations offering out-of-court dispute resolution.
The user declares that he/she has read, knows and accepts these Specific and General Terms and Conditions in their entirety.
The contract is signed electronically as stipulated in article 27 of Law 34/2002 of 11 July 2002 on information society services and electronic commerce and will be filed by Buildlovers and made available to both parties.
Copyright © Buildlovers All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited. 2024.
(You should only complete and send this form if you wish to withdraw from the contract).